We are Speakers at the B4B Event: “Accounting and Crypto Currencies”

We are thrilled to announce that we participated as speakers in the spring session of the B4B – Blockchain for business event, where with around thirty participants we discussed the topic “Accounting and Crypto Currencies”. This event represents an important platform to explore the challenges and opportunities offered by cryptocurrencies in the context of modern accounting.

During a content-rich and interactive session, we examined how cryptocurrencies are transforming the financial landscape and the accounting implications that come with it.

We discussed the ever-changing regulations, best practices for managing cryptocurrency transactions, and how these can be integrated into traditional accounting systems.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the organizers and partners of the event: Città di Lugano  Lugano living lab, Università della Svizzera Italiana, SUPSI, Franklin University.

Thank you for this extraordinary opportunity to share our experience and contribute to the growth of the professional community.

Stay connected for further updates and insights!

If you want to know more, we’ll be happy to talk to you about it, contact us !

Fiduciara Boverat SA Fabiano Mazzoleni