About boverat

Welcome to the heart of your success

We’re an independent fiduciary office, on a human scale, situated in the centre of Chiasso, canton of Ticino. We know that every business, just like every person, has its own needs and unique characteristics.

We’re an independent fiduciary office, on a human scale, situated in the centre of Chiasso, canton of Ticino. We know that every business, just like every person, has its own needs and unique characteristics.

We’re a close-knit, dynamic team, curious and genetically dedicated to no frills efficiency.  We’re constantly focused on getting the best solutions for you thanks to our decades of experience and presence in the local area.

We’re the ones who will give you back your time by taking away the laborious weight of administration and beuracratic bores from you, integrating and adapting our services to your personal needs and requirements.

We do all this while keeping you constantly updated on the context in which we are operating for you, bringing to your attention every peculiarity, both internal and external. We anticipate scenarios and the relative risks and opportunities, propose bespoke alternative routes and implement them with you so that you will be able to maneuver in time BEFORE any incident becomes a problem.

You’ll finally get back the time, resources and serenity necessary to return to dealing with the matters you want to deal with and which you know best: driving your business towards success.

Fabiano Mazzoleni 2024


Owner & Director
Trustee and accountant
Swiss Federal professional certificate
Finance and Accounting specialist


Our Mission

IF they’ve offered you solutions without asking you for your definition of wealth and success.

IF they’ve guaranteed you their help without listening to your doubts and concerns.

IF they’ve expressed opinions without understanding your personal situation.

IF you already have a commercial activity to manage or you intend to create a new one, or you wish to expand or transfer your activity to Switzerland and until now nobody has taken you by the hand, offering you the solution you were looking for, for your company, you and your loved ones, and then helping you to implement it, step by step.

We’re here to listen to your questions and to take the time to get to know you better, so you can also get to know us, a company which, since 1976, has been working proactively to get involved side-by-side in business and interpersonal relationships, with candour and transparency with real proactivity, wants to get involved at your side with candour and transparency in business and interpersonal relationships.  We move with a competent and tangible speed and executive precision to support you professionally on your path to success.

We’re here to help and we look forward to hearing from you.

Fabiano Mazzoleni


5 stars feedback from our clients

Precisione, puntualità, servizio. Per anni la Fiduciaria Boverat ha seguito gli aspetti fiscali e amministrativi della nostra azienda – Century Solutions – con dedizione e professionalità. La nostra società, multinazionale e quotata, richiede livelli di rendicontazione accurata su base mensile e spesso necessita di consulenza strategica nei processi amministrativi. In Boverat abbiamo trovato un partner efficiente e proattivo, capace di proporre soluzioni vincenti. Il plus di Boverat rispetto ad altre fiduciarie risiede nella capacita’ di analisi e nella pronta e tempestiva risposta a qualunque problematica. Raccomandiamo Boverat alle aziende di qualunque dimensione che ricerchino un partner attento e reattivo che partecipi attivamente al successo del business.

A.Pizziconi - Chief Operations Officer, The Big Space - New York a Century Solution brand

La Boverat SA è una fiduciaria di Chiasso con cui collaboriamo dal 2015. Si distingue per serietà e competenza, davvero impeccabili. Sempre cortesi, efficaci e rapidi nel problem-solving. Assolutamente consigliati a professionisti ed aziende italiane che hanno interesse a delocalizzare le proprie attività in Ticino e/o ad aziende svizzere che necessitano di consulenza commerciale/amministrativa.

E.Serafini - Owner & director , ElettroHouse® Group presente in Italia - Svizzera - Albania