A couple of notes on the Helvetic Confederation

The Helvetic Confederation is a federal state which is made up of 26 autonomous Cantons and with 8.5million inhabitants of which two thirds are concentrated on the highland where the cities of  ZurichGenevaBaselBernLausanneWinterthurLucerne e St Gallen.

Bern the capital, named the federal city, is the nation’s political centre and home to the  Federal Palace (Bundeshaus), where Parliament and the Swiss Federal Governement reside, while in Lausanne and Lucerne there are the seats of the highest judicial authority of the Confederation, the Federal Supreme Court.

Historically, Zurich and Geneva that have developed a great position as financial centres for both national and international financial activities, in fact many companies in this field have a head office in these two cities.  They are also cities which are considered to have amongst the highest quality of life in the world, as well as Canton Ticino which offers a unique territory in which to live and work, or for the necessity of diversifying and bringing your business to Switzerland.

The Swiss federal tax system is a model of guaranteed success, demonstrated by the solid economy of the country itself. Taxes are established and collected by the Confederation, the Cantons and the Municipality and they are not the same throughout the whole country.  In fact you can find different levels of tax collection depending on the Canton and the Municipality and at times depending on the individual agreements between companies and the federal authorities.  As can be inferred the variation in the taxation stimulates fiscal competition at a national level and contributes in a decisive way to a particularly low levy.  The most advantageous Cantons, fiscally speaking, are placed in the top positions even at an international level both with regards to fiscal facilitation as well as for the highly specialized and prepared of the workforce.

  • Palazzo Federale Berna
  • Taxation manual


Like in other countries, when opportunity or desire to move in a new Country, it is necessary first of all to make sure that you have the requisites that, in this case, the Confederation requires and guarantees itself a source of income to sustain itself.

Work permits are issued by the Swiss authorities and are different if you only work, if you live on Swiss territory, if you return on the weekend, etc.

The regulations governing labor relations are different from those in Europe and it is necessary to be informed, but in general the whole subject of work and contracts is regulated by the federal law or labor law (LL), to which all the subjects must comply. companies operating in Switzerland, except for some specific exceptions.

As is known, wages in Switzerland are decidedly higher than the European average also because the cost of living is equally.

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Zytglogge (Torre dell'Orologio) berna
Fiume Aar Berna


Switzerland is historically one of the nations where the standard of living is the best in Europe and although not part of the EU, it incorporates many of the European regulations to allow dialogue with the rest of the countries in a transparent manner, while maintaining its own historic independence from all.

To move and live in Switzerland, as for other economically and democratically developed countries, it must always be borne in mind that basic requirements are needed.

To ensure that the collaboration between the citizens and the cantonal authorities is always present, it is necessary to know that in addition to knowing laws, regulations and integrating with the rules of the country, it is necessary to have a source of income on the spot to be able to support themselves independently.

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